Monday, March 25, 2013

The Little Girl

The little girl, now she has grown into an adult female.
She'll track the age of 22 in the next few months.

Time was passed so quickly...

15 years ago, she still so merrily playing hide and seek with her friends
on the field behind her home.
10 years ago, she still so agile attend various academic and non-academic activities,
and scored a variety of achievements.
5 years ago, she graduated from high school at the age of 17, when friends of same age was still sitting in 2nd grade of high school.
More than a year ago, she officially holds a bachelor degree,
in few months after celebrating her 20th birthday.
Today, she is pursuing her career and making her dreams come true.
Tirelessly seek and find happiness for herself,
her parents, her family and the people around her.

May God always protect her, body and soul, heart and mind.

Jakarta, March 25, 2013.

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