Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Enjoy Life Through Gratitude?

actually, this is the writing that I give to myself. so that I can better enjoy life with grateful for what I have. and hopefully this will inspire everyone who has ever felt that life is often unfair. this also special for my best-friend, vira.
Do grateful for this beautiful life.Never stop to give thanks as a form of gratitude for the blessings that we have received.Do grateful to be blessed with health, that makes us able to think clearly and invite others towards a better direction.
Should never delay thanksgiving and gratitude.Because we will never know how much longer to live in this world.So, now also say thanks for all the blessings that we have felt.
Thank you to everyone who helped us to inject the spirit of this life.Thanks to the fiery spirit, we confidently look to the future more meaningful.Believe that there's always hope of a better up ahead.As long as we have never stopped to try, grateful, and based prayer.
Learn to be grateful to accept whatever we are experiencing today.Gratitude makes clear our minds and hearts more peaceful, happy.
Do grateful not only for all the things we already have and feel so far, but also for all the negative things that had been hoped for never came.
Always improve
the quality of ourselves by saying gratitude to God, the Owner of us.And used to give thanks to the people as a form of our sincere appreciation to them.

everything has its own beauty.
everyone has their own beauty.
we have our own gift, own fortune, and own luck.
just do grateful of them, best-friend. :)